Everett Ives and Associates


Cyber Security     

Recently, one of the largest Warehouse Banks sent some of their largest borrowers a book on cyber security.  I received a copy from one of my clients.  The book is not as technical as you would imagine because it essentially says that the weakest link in computer security is the human.  It then describes many of the scams used to get humans to give up passwords, logins and other security information.  

Cyberheist, published by Stu Sjuwerman and written by Stu Sjuwerman and several other experts.  $7 on Amazon.

In the beginning of the book, Stu cites research he did on Fortune 500 firms.  You would think this group would be impenetrable. It turned out that 15% of the 28,000 recipients at these firms failed the test.  When he broke the firms down by industry group, Financial firms failed at a rate of 22%.  He chronicled his research at http://www.knowbe4.com/fail500/.

Stu is serious about getting people to understand this human dynamic and has a blog in which he continues the conversation.  You can sign up for a weekly article about recent scams.  Obviously, nobody is going to be hit by all of these scams but for  a business owner, it only takes one of your employees, one time, to trust the wrong email and then you have the potential of a customer's personal information stolen and used for other scams. You have a lot of valuable personal information in your data base that scammers want, full names, addresses, social security numbers, birth dates, account numbers, assets, employers, W-2s and sometimes tax returns.  And, you go to great lengths to make certain that information is secure.  But, what if someone sent an authentic looking email to your processor and convinced her to provide her login to your LOS?  How safe is that information now?

Go to Stu's blog at http://blog.knowbe4.com and sign up for his FREE newsletter.  If it does nothing else, it will serve as a weekly reminder that you need to be vigilant and you need to keep your staff vigilant.

For more information, click on this link to go to the www.ABC-Mortgage.com/security  website.
(c) 2015 - Everett Ives and Associates