Beacon Hill Area Neighborhood Association


Note:  Any disparity beween this information and the City of San Antonio Neighborhood Conservation District documents, the City of San Antonio documents shall prevail.  This information is provided as a summary and quick glance only.  Only the Residential standards are summarized here.  All properties are also subject to other city codes, including Zoning, Property Maintenance and the Uniform Development Code (UDC).  Consult the city's One Stop for help.


NCD Summary

NCD Intent

About the NCD

Building Height / Stories

Lot Size / Coverage

Front / Side Setbacks

Building Size

Impervious Cover

Garages, Carports, Etc.

Fencing / Fence Materials

Building Materials, Roofing

Principal Elevation - Porches

Principal Elevation - Windows

Principal Elevation - Front Walk

The Intent of the NCD

While there are a number historical styles that exist in the neighborhood, the intent of the design standards is not to replicate the styles, but ensure the historically common site/building configurations are perpetuated in the future. Substantial porch areas located in the front of the primary structure, walkways that lead directly to a entry space from the street, garages located to the rear of the primary dwelling structure, regular building setbacks  across block faces, and vertically oriented windows are some of the common site and building features  that are regulated through the Residential Design Standards.






Ref: NCD Residential Design Standards, excerpt from page 4

Updated 04/13/2016